Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Times Are Changing

This Monday, I had my Eagle scoutmaster conference in which my scoutmaster and I discussed things I learned in scouts, my experience in working towards Eagle Scouts, and living up to the Scout Law, Oath, Motto, and Slogan (printed below).  The scoutmaster conference represented the ending of a chapter in my life.  What I mean is, all requirements for Eagle Scout, except the Board of Review, must be completed before the applicant's 18th birthday.  After turning 18, one can no longer be a "Boy Scout" but can still be involved in activities by being in adult leadership.  By finishing the scoutmaster conference, I finished the last remaining requirement I needed to complete while in Boy Scouts.

I have experienced a lot of these "endings" lately.  However, it does not make me sad, but rather makes me look forward to the new tasks ahead I must complete and allows me to see how much I have learned so far.

The Scout Oath
On my honor, 
I will do my best, 
To do my duty, 
To God and my Country,
To help other people at all times,
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally Awake,
And morally straight.

The Scout Law
A scout it:
and Reverent.

The Scout Motto
Be prepared.

The Scout Slogan
Do a good turn daily.

1 comment:

potentiallyhazardousreads said...

Definitely sounds like you have learned and grown a lot while being in Scouts! I too am experiencing endings, but also looking forward to the many beginnings. On a really random note: whenever I see the Scout Motto the Lion King song runs through my head. Every time.