Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Battle of Destiney and Destruction

The dwarf blocked his blow with his own sword which was about two-and-a-half feet long. Now it was the dwarf's time to strike, he lunged at his opponent and cut his upper arm. Because he wasn't wearing chain mail it cut his arm a centimeter deep. No blood filled the wound.
"He is so focused that the magic flowing through him heals his wounds in an instant." said Render, "See it is already fully healed"
Will struck with such fury that, had the dwarf not been trained exceptionally well, he would have fallen to the ground. When the dwarf struck back his attack was so quick that it sent the Rider two paces back. William's sword started to glow white.
He yelled out, "Brisingr" and flames shot out from his sword as he charged the dwarf.
The dwarf's eyes widened, but he stood his ground. The blow knocked the sword from his hand and with a move to rival that of elves William caught his sword in mid-air and handed it to him.

"You may enter, William Firesword."
The dwarf raised his hand and the gate opened. They stepped inside and made their way down the long hall. It was illuminated by small orbs of light held by the magic users. It was lined with tapestries showing pictures of the Dragon War, the Dragon Blades, the Riders, Elves, and other people involved in hiding and protecting them, and other important historical happenings.

They came to a large gate that had an inscription in gold covering it.
It said, "Behind this door lie the Dragon Blades used in the Dragon War. These swords are kept here until the chosen come to take them and defeat the evil. This evil's name is Perocothis the King of Nothing. He desires to dominate the world so he may have a kingdom to rule. Only the if the Dragon Blades are wilded by the chosen can Perocothis be defeated."

They entered the large room and saw the swords stood up against a large statue of a dragon. Everyone way drawn to their own sword and unsheathed them. The swords had inscriptions saying who the sword belonged to and where the person was born. The swords had a shard of dragon egg at the hilt. The sword was made of the hardest metal imaginable. Each person could feel the magic coursing through the swords and immediately felt a link with their sword. The dragon's could feel it too and liked it.

They all left the keep, said their farewells to the dwarf, mounted their dragons, and rode away to the house of Render's brother to learn how to use the swords.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The End of One Journey and the Start of Many

After a whole night of sailing they finally came to land and saw birds flying high in the sky. These birds were the most wonderfully strange birds ever seen by elf, or man. Bordering the island was a wood of ancient oak trees as old as time itself. Surprisingly there was grass underneath the trees even though no lights reached it. The air was cool with a slight breeze that did not change the temperature at all. The ground was flat until it reached about twenty meters from the gate to a keep. The gate was made or iron bars and about ten meters high.

All this was observed by Marina who could (harmlessly) take a feather off the wing of a bird with a single arrow and split that arrow on it's way down. In short, Maria was the best shot or the elves and rider's there, she was although, matched by Render, who could take out a bear with one shot from fifty meter's away in the dark. William and Leviticus were almost as good, but preferred facing their enemies up close with a sword.

After Marina related all this to the others
Bonnie said, "I think it would be wise if the dragons stayed here."
"To the contrary," replied Leviticus in his usual kind manner, "the dragons may be a great aid in escaping if need be."
"Either way," interrupted Render, "we should ask the dragons."
William said, "What do you think Bladon?"
"I'm game if you are." was his witty reply (Baladon had always bee a bit more human that most dragons).
All the other riders proceeded to ask their dragons and they all approved. They then proceeded into the Forest when William, who always had liked to look up at oak trees said that their branched formed letters. He was right. The words read,
"Ahead lies the Castle of Roncorrin, only the chosen may enter it's gates."
"I hope that means us." said Charity.
They continued on all talking, but feeling very serious after the warning.

They all noticed when they were near the keep because the ground rose into a small hill. Once they reached the gate they started to open it when an axe came over the handle. The owner of the axe was a dwarf about four feet tall with a red beard and red hair.
"Who are you?" asked Flint.
"My name is Alecoric. I was sent here to guard this keep one hundred and seventy-nine years ago. I am only to let in the chosen."
"We are the chosen." said William.
"You must first prove your worth in a duel young Rider." replied the dwarf.
Baladon growled and jets of smoke and flame shot from the sides of his mouth.
"I don't like this William," said Baladon, "it's too risky. You are a new duelist even if your skill excels all humans" "I'll be fine." said William. He drew his sword and faced the dwarf. William dove for the dwarf and the battle had begone.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Sea of Deception

It was nighttime when caravan of elves, humans, Riders, pirates, and dragons, reached the destination where Leviticus said the ocean would be they were all astonished to find it a barren desert. The desert lacked sand dunes, cactus, and surprisingly, extreme temperatures. It was not hot, but neither was it cold as it should be at night.

As Charity stepped onto the sand she fell and disappeared.

"What- what just h-happened?" asked Flint, the brother of Charity. Then Charity poked her head out of the "sand" and said,

"Come in! The water feels great!" Everyone was on the brink of insanity as they heard her words, everyone that is except the Riders. "

It seems she has found our missing ocean," said Render without flinching,

"We should all mount the dragons and have them float us across."

Charity then came out of the water drenched and dripping.

Will said "Reisa du adurna." and the water lifted off of Charity.

Then he said, "Letta," and suspended the water in the air,

"Bonnie, get a cup and please hurry." she came with a wooden cup and caught the water as Will released the flow of magic. She then drank it carefully in case it was salt water. After she drank a sip she got a bright smile and then drank the rest down without hesitation.

"It's sweeter that water from a spring!" she said.

"Well let's not stand around when we could be swimming," said Flint, "Am I the only one who's noticed that it's the middle of the day and the sun is down?"

"Time must be a void here and the sun must not reach this place." said Leviticus, reading from the book his brother gave to him. Render, Will, and Leviticus called to their dragons and they walked into the water.

"I don't like to swim for long periods of time you know." said Clesseath.

"I know." said Leviticus, "We won't be here for more than two days."

They swam on for five more hours until they reached an island with a forest on it.

"That's the elfish island of Edur." said Render, "We should stay there and rest."

Once they landed a cloaked figure rushed out and jumped on Bonnie. She threw the assassin off and regained her posture ready to strike at the mysterious figure. Render's elven eye saw that the person was a girl and also an elf.

He told Will, "That is Marina, the elf we introduced you to in Lenutha."

Render then said to the girl, "Marina, elf warrior of the far Forest, We come in peace and wish not to harm you."

She then replied saying, "I apologise for the misunderstanding, Riders of far away lands. Please, rest, the night is comming quickly."

So they all set up camp and slept through the night.

In the castle of the Dragon Blades on more blade appeared engraved, "The blade of Marina, elf of Lenutha."

Friday, November 7, 2008


What is time? Is it just a myth? Is time the thing that keeps us from moving forward or the thing that keeps us going? Time is the substance the brings the future closer and sends the past away. Time keeps us on schedule and get us off of it. Time is profound. Time is epic. Time means nothing God. God planned all and sees all time at once. We have our time to be born, live, and die. When we go to live with our Father time will be gone. Time surrounds us. Time engulfs us. Time escapes us. Time requires time to understand. Time is that which is indifferent. Time is time all the time until time is no more.

~The Scribe